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深圳市龙岗区平湖川东石艺制品厂是一家专业生产加工天然宝石、半宝石的生产型企业。坐落在深圳龙岗区珠宝产业积聚基地内,占地面积2200㎡,建筑面积1600㎡,拥有国内一流的生产流程线和产品展示大厅。公司主要生产和销售印度风格的首饰(吊坠、项链、耳环、手链等)。经过多年的生产经营,形成了以生产、批发、加工、直营为主的营销体系,产品在国内外闻名遐迩,得到了业界人士和消费者的赞誉和信赖。公司正积极努力,进一步开拓国际市场。秉承“精益求精,创国际品牌”的经营理念,我公司将不断创新,给人以更高品质的时尚生活。“诚信、品质、互利、创新”是我们的企业精神,我们将以崭新的姿态走品牌战略之路,创川东品牌!Shenzhen City Longgang District Pinghu Chuandong Gems Craftwork Products Factory is a professional and artifactitious manufacture of jewelry ,including natural gemstone and semi-gemstone , lies in Shenzhen Longgang District that was known for the accumulated jewelry industry and the total area is 2200 square meters,the construction area is about 1600 square meters,and also with high-class production line and exhibition in the domestic.Our company mostly produce and sale the Indian style handcraft (the hang-falls, necklace,earrings,bracelet,etc). Through so many years hard working ,Chuandong come into being a produced,wholesale,process and direct marketing system,our products are famous for home and abroad,at the same time,it got praise and trust from customers and competitors.With the attitudes of“ Keeping Improving and Creating International Brand”,our company will innovate continuously,providing higher qualifi- ed and fashionable life.Our spirits is “Sincerity,Quality,Mutual Benif- its and Innovation”,we are taking a newness view with a new-brand appear- ance,creating the brand of Chuandong!
  • 联系电话:86-0755-28458534
  • 传真:86-0755-84697326
  • 手机:13590206323
  • 公司主页:http://szchuandong.com
  • 地址:中国广东深圳深圳市平湖镇鹅公岭屋头岭52号

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