- 联系电话:86-0510-82274616
- 传真:86-0510-85222853
- 公司主页:http:swiss-well.com
- 地址:中国江苏无锡市江苏省无锡市新区长江北路19-1919-20
主营:瑞士进口的床上用品; 床垫; 睡衣; 毛巾; 护肤用品;
来自瑞士的斯维丝威尔公司(英文名:SWISS-WELL.COM)首度在中国江苏无锡新设了专卖店:专营豪华品质的床上用品系列和家用纺织品系列.只有您身临于我们这一宁静港湾里,才能享受无与伦比的睡眠感受......Now in Wuxi :SWISS lucury bedware and textiles .Heavenly rest...right around the corner. 我们深信只有最高品质的产品才能够迎合您高雅的品位,这也是我们为什么致力于在中国推出真正价值的瑞士本土豪华品牌意义所在.斯维丝威尔公司专营系列的床上用品和家用纺织品,借次机会,真诚请您光临无锡专卖店.We are certain that only the best products can satisfy your exquisite taste .That's why our new business is dedicated to the few Swiss luxury brands that are of truly outstanding value. We specialise in textiles and bedware and we would like o use this opportunity to invite you to our new showroom in Wuxi. "有朋友至远方来,不亦乐乎"我们期待您的光临.We are looking forward to your vist